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Cranberry Creek HOA

October 2024

October 2024

👉Read October 2024 Chatter

I am at a loss for words. It happens. Many times, in the past when I have had to write a story, article or a piece like this one, words fail.

My solution has always been to read. It doesn’t matter what I read; I just seem to need words swirling around my head. Books have always been my refuge. I always have one. One in hand and the next one waiting.

In elementary school, any assigned books or stories were like a gift. If we were supposed to read a chapter, I often finished reading to the end. Not completing the story was not an acceptable thought for me. Even now, binge-watching a TV series, or reading until the wee hours of the morning are my normal practice.

Reading other people’s words can trigger a thought or memory that becomes the basis for a storyline or topic which I can use in whatever I may be working on.

Years ago, when I was writing about old houses in Monmouth County, historical non-fiction or fiction would put me in a frame of mind to describe some of the features of the house I was writing about. A book about Penelope Stout helped write the article about the demolition in 2002 of her family home in Holmdel built in 1675 and a book on Dutch land grants in Shrewsbury was valuable in telling the story of the Crawford Nursery in Freehold.

Our Cranberry Creek community is fortunate to have five different book clubs that meet every month in the Clubhouse. Cozying up before the fire with friends, favorite books and treats is a great way to spend a crisp autumn day.

Check the Chatter calendar for meeting times. Enjoy!

Read October 2024 Chatter

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